Monday, April 27, 2009

Week of April 20th - 25th

Here are Some Pictures from this busy week...  

Above...  Braxton at home just being a cutie! 

Papa's Work Party

Here is Emmy girl before Senior Prom :)  Awwww... 

Friday, April 24, 2009

Life Update!

Tulip fields this week...

Mom, I figured this was going to happen... but so soon??? :)  Kidding!  She was returning the scooter into the store for my Papa last Friday.
(Above) How cute is this boy???
(Below) Papa and Braxton coloring at the restaurant last week!

Okay, so it has been a week... sorry I haven't been updating people :)  Here it is... I went in Tuesday night to the hospital for a stress test (the baby, not me :) and I was having some contractions, but couldn't feel them... I wish I had that the first time! Then On Wednesday I went in for my Ultrasound to check the pressure on the cord, because that is what the Doctor was worried about last week, and all looks better! He gained weight also, they think he is about 5.12... give or take 2 pounds! Yesterday I went in for my reg check up with my midwife (who I LOVE) and I am a two centimeters along, that is when I went to the hospital with Brax last time :)  I can't sleep anymore!  Not because of the heartburn and "bigness"... but I am just so exited and anxious...  When When When??  Alberto Is worried I won't love this one as much as I love Brax, he is probably right :)  Kidding!!!!  Parents do it all the time right?  Don't you just grow more love? Well I go in again for my next stress test on Saturday morning and they will check little Oliver's heartbeat, for contractions and movement then we wait some more! Can you believe this is almost over?  This really has been the fastest 9 months EVER!!  I can't wait :)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

So many Things!

So our baby boy might be making an early entrance people...  Our sweet doc said maybe as early as next week... but we will know more at our Friday ultra sound.    I also got my NEW CAR!!!!!!  I LOVE LOVE LOVE her!!!  Any name Ideas??  She is a silver 2005 Honda Pilot, an 8 seater with Braxtons Fav, a DVD player!   We are very in love already...  Thank you Alberto!!!    

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Baby Boy

Braxton July 2006

We are all waiting for him...  but it really is going fast... faster than my first little guy :)  I think because I am running all over with the first one!  Braxton has become the "official" thing picker upper, because I can no longer bend easily to pick up dropped keys, papers, toys etc.  ( I can still bend, just not easily :) He is already such an AMAZING helper!  Every day it seems Alberto and I look at him and stand there thinking when did he turn into a little boy...  he is no longer our little baby/toddler...  I wonder how different these two kids will be.  Braxton is so sweet, patient, always wants to help, and can tell right away if some one is upset and wants to make them feel better.  His feeling get hurt easily, and it is the sadist thing EVER when he says, "I'm sad" while his eyes fill with tears...  It breaks your heart!  How do you love your second as much as your first??  Alberto and I laugh, because my older Brother Jason is/was the mellow one... and I am/was NOT, I was a pain in the you know what... and Alberto's older sister Daniela was the mellow one and Alberto was (is)  not. At all :)  We think, poor Braxton, if this "older child/younger child" pattern continues.       

Monday, April 6, 2009

I love this weather... it makes me happy

Braxton and I got out on Friday afternoon and planted flowers and cleaned out all our planter boxes :)  I told my mommy I was not going to do any gardening this year... except for my flower boxes, but when the sun comes out... the garden seems to draw you to it, saying "Do something to me!  Make me beautiful!!"  And here are some of my fav pics from this first week in sunny April!